Sunday, January 10, 2010

Asides - Luise and Anita

Short and sweet.

Happy Birthday to back to back Oscar winner Luise Rainer, who turns 100 on January 12. What a remarkable career.

Cigarette Cards
Click on the image for a larger view.

Born the same year, Anita Page left us at age 98 in 2008. However, in 1993, she gave a wonderful interview on her early days in film and Hollywood. She is sharp as a tack. I didn't pick the interviewer, but so glad this was recorded.


COCAMIA said...

Thank you so much for sharing! This is great!

KC said...

Ms. Page had an amazing memory for any age--let alone 98! What a wonderful personality. Thanks for sharing this.

J.C. Loophole said...

Hi 99- just stopping by to tell you that you have been awarded the Kreativ Blogger award. Details here.
PS- loved the Ann Dvorak post- my love for Ann knows no bounds!